¿Qué ver en Parque estatal urbano barranca de chapultepec, Cuernavaca?
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The Parque Estatal Urbano Barranca de Chapultepec is a beautiful natural park located in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The park offers a variety of activities for visitors, including hiking, picnicking, and bird-watching. The park is open from 8am to 5pm daily, and admission is free.
The official website for the park is not available at this time.
If you're interested in exploring the area around the park, there are several nearby attractions to consider. The Jardín Borda is a historic garden and palace located just a few minutes away from the park. It's open daily from 9am to 5pm, and admission is around $3 USD.
Another nearby attraction is the Museo Morelense de Arte Contemporáneo Juan Soriano, which features a collection of contemporary art from Mexican and international artists. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm, and admission is around $2 USD.
Finally, the Centro Cultural Teopanzolco is a cultural center that hosts a variety of events, including concerts, theater performances, and art exhibits. The center is open daily from 9am to 9pm, and admission varies depending on the event.
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Parque estatal urbano barranca de chapultepec